Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Writing Cell

My first love is writing. It is the form of expression that gives me the greatest satisfaction and the greatest frustration because I have a talent for creating obstacles around it. A few years ago I left my corporate career to write a novel. I did write it, and then came the agent letters and the subsequent rejections that took the wind out of my sails. Then life got in the way and I put the novel away and have made little effort in the past two years to get it published. I keep a journal and this has been my way of flexing the writing muscles. Starting this blog is another way.

In the meantime, quilting has come to take center stage in my life. But to me, quilting and writing go hand in hand. The art of quilting allows me to tap into that well of inspiration from which all creativity flows, and I know that quilting is leading me back to writing.

Some people say, "Writing is in my blood." I say writing is in my cells. One afternoon a few weeks ago, I created a tiny quilt that was a meditation on writing expressed through quilting, and what my own writing cell might look like. I called it The Writing Cell.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've dazzled me with your Writing Cell. It's beautiful, vibrant, fun. I love it!
Maria (S)

9:53 PM  

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