Summer Travels and the Muse

I was captivated by the magnificent beauty of the Andes Mountains surrounding us.

In August we returned to one of our favorite playgrounds on this beautiful planet. We chartered a boat out of St. Thomas and made the rounds through the British Virgin Islands.

While some of us snorkeled the pristine waters, our crew mates Brooke and John preferred diving for deeper treasures. Here they brought up a gorgeous starfish for a quick visit to the surface.

Being on water for seven days recharged my creative batteries. I sat on the boat admiring the beauty and I got to imagining a mermaid named Marlena. I could see her amid the coral, playing hide and seek with the schools of angelfish and blue tang. She came home with me and followed me right into the studio. She's here for an extended stay.

You can click on Marlena or any of the photos for a close-up view.
Labels: Art Quilt, British Virgin Islands, Colombia, Mermaid, quilting
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